Tuesday, 7 April 2009

7th April 2009

Coven, Staffs & Worcs Canal to Brewood, Shropshire Union Canal

Well today is our last day on the boat for about 3 weeks, as we need to return home to do chores and get our hair and grass cut etc etc

We returned back to Autherley Junction including a repeat of running the gauntlet through a very narrow cutting with the odd passing place, where we managed to get a thick carrier bag around the prop, the vibrations from which led Bob into thinking someting serious had occurred.
We turned right onto the Shropshire Union Canal and proceeded down one lock of 6", and in a very fed up way, moved on down to the mariana at Countrywide Cruisers at Brewood where the boat was booked in. Like the Staffs and Worc canal this one is just as attractive, in the countryside with very narrow, ornate bridges

So that's all for now folks, the next episode will include crossing the Llangollen Aqueduct.
Total for this part of journey : 93 miles and 48 locks

Monday, 6 April 2009

6th April 2009

The Bratch to Coven, Staffs & Worcester Canal

A very mondane Monday today. Fewer people around, although it is noticeable how many children are hanging about around the locks and bridges, despite it being very cool.

We have continued north beyond the Audersley Junction, staying on the Staffs and Worces canal to join up the dots as it were, and reach our turning round point from last years holiday! Sad souls!

Managed to spot Henry the Heron, a tame bird that hangs around a boatyard, that also had a childs size narrow boat on show.

10 mile and 6 locks today.

Sunday, 5 April 2009

5th April 2009

Gothersley Bridge to above The Bratch, Staffs and Worcs Canal

Evidence of it having been very cold overnight greeted us this morning - ice on the outside of the glass! but not the inside!

A lovely day developed and we know the waterways are for all, but there were just so many people out, fishermen galore, cyclists, walkers, runners, and lots of private boaters. Several locks today, including a staircase and the 3 famous Bratch locks. Polite queing here and there! Lots of extremely plush boats around, being cleaned and Brassoed - rather like a classic car gathering!

We think that we are a bit of conversation piece, as regulars along this stretch have not noticed our boat before!

11 locks 5 miles

4th April 2009

Kinver to Gothersley Bridge (with detour onto Stourbridge Canal)

Continued north on Staffs and Worcs Canal to Stourton Junction where the Stourbridge Canal joins. We wanted to go up this canal to see where the breach occurred last September and re-opened last December.

On the way up the canal we were greeted by a young girl riding her horse in the cut, presumably because you are not allowed to ride horses on the towpath!! Turned at the junction with the Town Arm and headed back to the Staffs and Worcs. The breach site looks identical to the one on the Mon and Brec using porcupine blocks that are impossible to moor against. We have since learned that this site is to be closed after Easter for investigations following boaters concerns regarding the repairs.

At the final lock before rejoining the S&W, a girl on her bike let her coat get caught in the front wheel, the wheel locked up and she went over the handle bars and crashed to the floor. We helped with first aid and she went on her way in a state of shock.

Unfortunately reception last evening was so poor it drove us to drink, so have blogged this a little late.

Friday, 3 April 2009

3rd April 2009

Wolverley to Kinver - Staffs and Worcester Canal

This evening we are moored in the village of Kinver, (home of Wilsons boat covers to fellow anoraks among you!) and supping beer in the evening sun.

Our day started feeling like winter with a damp mist, and cold air. We walked to the very attractive village of Wolverley, carved out of red sandstone, another nice place to live, but alas the Post Office had been closed down.

As we moved up the canal we learned of a tree down ahead, and sure enough after the very tame tunnel at Cookley, a tree was across our path. BW had already been alerted and arrived just as we did and quite swiftly and efficiently removed the problem. Amazingly only ourselves and one other boat were held up.

We passed the narrow boat "Rome" in a purpose built mooring at the end of the garden of a rather lovely house, which we guess by the boat signwriting is the home of Graham Booth, author of "Rome was'nt built in a day" from Waterways World magazine, again an anoraky piece of info!

2 April 2009

Holt leet Bridge on River severn to Wolverley on Staffs and Worcestershire Canal

We left the river Severn at Stourbridge and went onto the Staffs and Worcester canal. River travel is OK but canals are better! We immediately had 2 mini staircases to tackle before threading our way around 4 basins into the junction. Lots of very neat boats, a very orderly and quiet place. Barratts are building houses and apartments around a 5th basin that will be a very attractive place to live.

The locks seem so narrow compared with Mon and Brec ones! and if you think off side cutting is over due in Wales, you should see things along this canal!

Quite a tricky lock to negotiate under the road in Kidderminster, and managed to pass by a Marks and Spencer without any great wish to go shopping!

We found another quiet spot to moor for the evening, near the village of Wolverley.

Thursday, 2 April 2009

1 April 2009

The Severn was absolutely serene as we left Upton on Severn in spring sunshine this morning. Several flood markers showed how incredibly high the river had been in July 2007, and we saw some boats still perched high and dry up on the banks.

We had the river to ourselves until we reached Worcester, when a hire boat appeared with a crew of retired gentlemen aboard, with that 'very keen experienced boater' look about them as they manouvered into Diglis Locks.

We continued on along the Severn towards Stourport, keen to get back onto a canal again.

We found a very secluded mooring below Holt Lock and enjoyed a real ale before the sun went down. After a roast chicken dinner, the effects of a day in the fresh air took over.....................