From Bablock Hythe, River Thames, to Pigeon Lock, Oxford canal
Our picture today was taken on the Thames as we passed under the traffic queuing on the Swinford Toll Bridge, built in 1767. This bridge was recently sold for about £1.5m. The car toll is 5p, but the bridge owner does not have to pay income tax on profits due to ancient law! he should make about £190,000pa! This was the last bridge before branching left down Duke's Cut and then onto the Oxford Canal again. Time to put away the anchor and life jackets.
Boating on a narrow canal again after the wide expanse of a river is such a very different experience. There are moving boats again, and some very narrow stretches lined with moored boats AND you have to start thinking and doing the locks again, AND it has started raining!
We have moored just above pigeon lock, ready to pick up some VIP's for the weekend! So we will be off air for a few days.