Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Wednesday 13 May 2009

Maesbury Marsh, Montgomery Canal to Ellesmere, Llangollen Canal

Today we left the peace and tranquillity of the Monty and returned to the relative hurly burly of the Llangollen. Another slightly earlier start to make sure we were back at Frankton locks between 12 and 2 to leave the Monty, as British Waterways operate very strict controls, as apparently they were fined last year for allowing too many boats onto the Monty. (Of mild interest to at least one of our readers, is that we pass down an absolutely straight stretch of water, about a mile, which we now know was used for testing the WW2 'bouncing bomb', except balls were used!

There is no doubt that we will return to enjoy this waterway again and watch restoration progress closely.

So, after catching up with the towpath talk from the lockkeeper at Frankton, we have now moored up again at Ellesmere to stock the fridge and most importantly get the latest waterway mags!

Quite a dreay day as our picture of the bouncing ball stretch shows!

8 locks; 11 miles

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