Friday 10 July 2009

Friday 10 July 2009

Beal Lock, River Aire to Selby, Selby canal

Well, we could have gone water skiing today as there is a stretch along the River Aire where BW permit speed boats and skiers to mingle with us slow boaters, fortunately there was no skiing going on whilst we were around!

As we left the river Aire and turned through a flood lock back to the comfort of a canal, the Selby canal, the tranquil scene resembled a Monet painting with water lillies and willow trees dipping into the water! The water ahead though became thick with algae and green weed, with only a narrow pathway through left by other boats.

We reached Selby and moored up for lunch and spent the afternoon in the town and in the Abbey. Lovely stained glass windows.

The river Ouse below Selby lock looks forboding, and we are bracing ourselves for a tricky start to the day when we venture out onto the river in the morning going with the tide and under some bridges at speed with the tidal flow ....................

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