Thursday 6 August 2009

Thursday 6 August 2009

From Keadby Lock up the River Trent to Torksey

At exactly 6am the Keadby lockeeper released us onto the River Trent and for the next 4 hours we averaged about 7mph, as we made our way to the shelter of Torksey Lock approach. Our first picture shows the gloomy start to the day, and it was difficult making out bridge navigation lights. Lots of attractive properties along the way, including rebuilt windmills, but all looking very near the Trent despite the flood defences.

The journey was quite pleasant and a second breakfast during the morning was most welcome. We encountered only one sandbarge, who came at us from behind at great speed as our picture shows.

Very little floating debris made for a more relaxed time today, than we recalled en route from Selby to Naborne.
Our arrival at Torksey was marked with an aerial display from the Red Arrows, with red, white and blue smoke trails.

So this afternoon we have explored Torksey and its environs (and pubs) and watched boats going through the lock, and we are moored on a floating pontoon, and await the tide tomorrow to move again. If we have seen one cooling tower this trip, we have seen dozens - they are everywhere!

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