Monday 14 September 2009

Monday 14 September 2009

From Radcot to Bablock Hythe, River Thames

Where have all the boaters gone - back to work we think! Just a handful of boats moving and alas we get to our first lock today and it says "Self Service" so we had to set to and think about which sluice had to be opened and closed, and when.

At the next lock, Rushey Lock, the lock keeper and Bob had a fascinating half hour conversation about the merits of paddles and rymers! These are historic hand operated weirs still in use at many of the locks on the Thames, that are under threat of being replaced because of our old friend 'elfundsafety' .

Eventually we moved off , and this evenings mooring is beside the Ferryman Inn at Bablock Hythe, where there was an ancient foot ferry across the Thames, unfortunately, no longer operating.
Spotted this record of the Thames flood level of 2007 - a good treasure hunt clue!

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