Saturday 20 August 2011

Saturday 20 August 2011

From Shugborough Hall, Trent and Mersey Canal to Park Gate Lock, Penkridge, Staffs and Worcestershire Canal

As often happens when you gently pull away from your mooring, a boat in front of you suddenly loosens its ropes and somehow just doesn't see you and moves out in front! Today was one of those days, and as we left the very familiar view of Shugborough Hall and approached the lock below Great Haywood junction, we found 3 boats queueing ahead of us. Amazingly, at least 6 boats came out of nowhere, and patiently lined up behind us, to use the lock. Through the lock, a swift farewell to September Pearl, and a sharp left turn onto the Staffs and Worcestershire canal, aiming to get to Penkridge and the chandlers before closing.

On our way, we passed a, by now, familiar hotel boat, but no passengers. Mystifying, as the boat looks really well looked after.

We made Penkridge in good time, and the chandlers had the filters we needed and also a large dog life jacket. Next project is to persuade the dog to keep it on!

This stretch is not new to us, as we had a hire boat from Gailey some 4 years ago, but do not recall the offside weeds and reeds reducing the navigable path to just wide enough for one boat, in places.

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